Welcome, it's nice to have you.

Ends in Mind is my newsletter on topics that interest me: culture, technology, Christian spirituality, the arts, literature, film, work and leisure, consumerism, psychology, advertising, and more. It's a place where I can share what I'm thinking about, what's exciting or terrifying about our current cultural moment, how I'm grappling with my place in the world, and, well, anything else I feel compelled to explore. While I'm interested in a lot of topics, the thread connecting my writing encompasses this question: What does it mean to flourish as a human being in our world today? In other words, how can we keep the “ends in mind” when it comes to culture, technology, the arts, work, leisure, relationships, faith, beliefs, values, and so on?

I want this newsletter to be somewhat of an experimental space in the digital realm, a place where I can explore different types of writing and brainstorm ideas. I’m currently working on a novel for my doctoral dissertation, and I’m wrestling with some of the ideas that will show up in this newsletter in my creative work. I might even share some of my creative nonfiction and/or fiction in this newsletter down the road. We’ll see. Of course, the best way to get a sense of the newsletter is to read what I’ve published here.


My name is Christopher, and I’m a writer and editor. My writing has been published or is forthcoming in The Saturday Evening Post, Commonweal, Plough, Viewpoint, Dappled Things, Church Life Journal, Fare Forward, and more. My short story "Phantom Limb" received an honorable mention for the J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction.

I'm currently pursuing a Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing at the University of North Texas, where I also teach creative writing, literature, and writing composition. Before that, I earned a master's degree from Brown in American literature and culture and worked for several years as a content strategist, writer, and editor. If you're curious, you can learn more about me and my writing on my website.

Why Subscribe?

If you're enjoying my writing, I would encourage you to subscribe. You can expect one or two new essays every month. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time if you'd no longer like to receive emails.

Support for My Writing

Writing for Ends in Mind requires a significant amount of time and effort every month. While I ultimately write because I love it and find it a worthwhile endeavor, I’m always grateful for others’ support. If you’re enjoying the newsletter, please consider supporting my writing efforts with a one-time or monthly/annual donation.

Subscribe to Ends in Mind

Ends in Mind explores topics related to culture, technology, Christian spirituality, the arts, work and leisure, and more. It considers how best to keep the "ends in mind" when it comes to human flourishing in our current cultural moment.


I’m a writer, editor, and content strategist. I’m currently pursuing a Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing at the University of North Texas, where I also teach creative writing, literature, and writing composition.